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Questions over Second Corinthians 10 & Second Corinthians 11

1.    The tone changes at 2 Corinthians chapter 10, probably because

___A    this letter is the result of joining 2 previous letters.

___B    Paul still has to deal firmly with the false apostles.

___C    Paul wants his letter to be balanced.

2.    Paul preferred a _________ approach when correcting people.

___A    disciplinary

___B    confrontational

___C    gentle

3.    Paul struck _____ blind when that person opposed the gospel.

___A    Elymas

___B    Alexander

___C    Demas

4.    In his physical appearance and speaking ability, Paul was

___A    forceful and imposing.

___B    unattractive and unimpressive.

___C    an average person.

5.    Paul had promised or betrothed the Corinthians to Christ as a pure spiritual bride.  He was now feeling

___A    jealousy.

___B    regret.

___C    satisfaction.

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6.    A lot of people prefer other gospels than the gospel of Christ because the other gospels

___A    tend to be more of the spirit.

___B    appeal to the fallen nature and to pride.

___C    have less rules.

7.    Paul was markedly different from the false apostles in that he

___A    refused to take financial support from the Corinthians.

___B    appealed to the religious instincts of the Corinthians.

___C    claimed to be sent by God as an apostle.

8.    Paul’s selfless, cross bearing spirit and his lack of self promotion looked to some of the Corinthians like

___A    weakness.

___B    religiosity.

___C    asceticism.

9.    Paul knew that when he was _____, that was the best time for God’s power to be seen.

___A    weak

___B    strong

___C    spiritual

10.    Jewish law allowed a person to be punished by up to ___ lashes.

___A    39

___B    40

___C    41

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