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Easter—So What?

Easter Sunday services usually bring about record attendances for the year in many
churches. Ever wonder why? The soul stirring message, “HE IS RISEN” is boldly proclaimed
throughout our community by many churches on “Easter” Sunday. But SO WHAT? What is
the on-going result of such a message in the hearer’s life?

The result should be a dramatic change in the people who participate. A person
truly filled with an understanding of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead can no longer
be a casual spectator, fence-straddler, lukewarm, spasmodic church attender! One will be
completely changed and become fully dedicated to daily Christian living by the power of
the Resurrected Christ!

It is the height of hypocrisy to honor God with our lips and allow our heart to
remain far from Him! We do not discharge our duty to Deity in an annual or semi-annual
attendance at a church service. Let’s not fool ourselves, see the words of Jesus in Matthew
15:6-9. If all worshipers were really convicted by the Resurrection message, they would be
back to church NEXT SUNDAY and the next…and the next.

Have wearers of the name of “Christ” become so lost in sentiment that they have
failed to enjoy “the power of His Resurrection” in their daily lives? See Philippians 3:10. The
Resurrection of Jesus PROVES and DECLARES His Deity…that He is in fact, the Unique and
Eternal Son of the Living God! See Romans 1:4.

The FACT that Jesus is risen from the dead is earthshaking, I Cor. 15:1-4. It is a fact
that should transform all believers into militant marching followers of Jesus. Jesus demands
performance, not just profession; lives, not lips; total, not tithe; service, not solemnity.

The power of His Resurrection “turned the world upside down” some 2,000 years
ago, Acts 17:6. This generation can surely use this transforming power of Jesus and His love!
The world desperately needs this kind of “Stop the presses…Good News.” He is Risen!
Follow Him! He will change your life!

Ivy Conner