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Solar Eclipse – Evidence for Us!

The solar eclipse provides a unique opportunity to witness God’s precision-designed universe and solar system in action.  This certainly provides us with positive evidence for our faith.

Astronomers have provided predictions of this celestial phenomenon for decades in advance of the actual occurrence.  The exact path of the eclipse is well known and publicized.  The timing for the event is precisely described.  In fact, upcoming eclipses – even hundreds of years in the future – can be specifically predicted.  For instance, the next eclipse that will be visible in North America will be on August 23, 2044.  How is all of this possible?  It is possible because of the clock-like accuracy of God’s creation.

Atheists, of course, believe that everything exists because of blind chance – a ‘big bang’ explosion that brought our universe into existence.  Have you seen the aftermath of an explosion?  There is certainly no order or design evident in the rubble left behind. Our universe, on the other hand, is an incredible demonstration of God’s design and amazing creative power.

The Psalmist eloquently stated, “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” (Psalms 19:1 NASV)  We will have a wonderful example of this truth in the eclipse.

– by Greg Gwin